Firmware updates for Nikon D4s

Recently, Nikon has released a firmware update for Nikon DSLR D4s, changed quite a lot of features on the device. These changes include the removal of restrictions on the number of continuous shooting in manual and shutter priority mode. New Nikon D4S Update update 1.20 will replace the version 1.00 and 1.10 to fix some functionality of the camera.Firmware-updates-for-Nikon-D4s

The company also changed the T mode shutter speed setting on the Nikon Digital SLR D4s, so that’s mean shutter can remain open until the photographer pressing the shutter button second time. While the previous maximum shutter duration open up to 30 minutes in the T mode. One other big change is that the AF points are displayed in the viewfinder when shooting portraits or landscapes.

To upgrade your Nikon D4s, Download this Firmware from Nikon.

Some changes of Nikon D4s Firmware 1.20:

  • Commander mode can be selected for Custom Setting e3 when the SB-500 flash is attached to the camera
  • Auto and flash white-balance options now can be used with LED light on the SB-500 flash
  • Auto white-balance is now more effective
  • There is no longer a limit on the number of shots that can be taken in a single burst at shutter speeds of 4 s or faster when a continuous-release mode is selected in exposure mode S or M.
    There is no longer a limit on how long the shutter can remain open when “Time” is selected for shutter speed.
  • We have changed how focus points are displayed in the viewfinder if the camera is rotated between “wide” (landscape) and “tall” (portrait) orientations with Focus point and AF-area mode selected for Custom Setting a10 (Store by orientation) and different focus points chosen in each orientation. We have also changed how focus points are displayed in the viewfinder if a lens focus function button is pressed with AF-area mode selected for Custom Setting f19 (Lens focus function buttons).


Check out Nikon D4S Sale Price below:

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