Roborock Qrevo MaxV Automatic Mopping Robot Vacuum with FlexiArm Design

Roborock has launched the Qrevo MaxV, the best automatic mopping robot in the US. It is now available for purchase from retailers like Amazon. Features of the new device include 7,000Pa suction power, edge cleaning with FlexiArm, and automatic hot mop washing on the docking station.

Best Automatic Mopping Robot Roborock Qrevo MaxV

The Roborock Qrevo MaxV robot vacuum cleaner is now on sale in the US. The company announced the model last year and then presented it at CES 2024 in January. The best automatic mopping robot shares many similarities with the Dreame L20 Ultra, which was launched last year. It is noteworthy that both Roborock and Dreame are part of the Xiaomi ecosystem.

The Qrevo MaxV has a maximum suction power of 7,000 Pa, with a rubber brush in the center and two mops with a maximum speed of 200 rpm at the rear. On the side is the FlexiArm Design mop, which covers 98.8% of the edges of your room and comes within 1.85mm of the wall.

Additionally, the device intelligently lifts brushes and mops depending on the surface and cleaning settings. The dock washes mops in hot water and dries them with hot air. It automatically empties the onboard reservoir and trash can, enabling hands-free cleaning that lasts up to seven weeks. Additionally, automatic dirt detection determines whether a second wash is necessary to thoroughly clean the device.

Roborock Qrevo MaxV price and availability

Other features include the “Hello Rocky” voice command, responsive AI obstacle avoidance, and pet video calling. You can now buy the Roborock Qrevo MaxV robot vacuum cleaner in the US at the price of $1,399.99 on Amazon.

Roborock has also sent its best cleaning robot mop S8 MaxV Ultra on sale in the US. The innovative robot vacuum self-empty and mop model with numerous new features is available now in the US via Amazon at $1,799.99.

This model features a water connection for the first time, enhancing its cleaning capabilities. It features an extendable mop with an extra edge spinning system for thorough cleaning. The DirTect Smart Sensor technology identifies areas with more dirt and cleans them more thoroughly.

About Ankeet Solanki

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