Recently, the WhatsApp messaging app has released new updates for devices using Windows Phone OS of Microsoft. With this new update user can make a voice call to their friends or relatives right from the app over mobile data or Wi-Fi – also called VoIP or voice over Internet protocol.
The WhatsApp voice calling feature that was rolled out to all Android, iOS and BlackBerry users’ months ago. New WhatsApp Messenger Windows Phone application version also updated with new features such as sending audio files which are currently available on Windows Phone 8.1. To use, users just need to update to the latest version of the Whatsapp app from Windows Phone Store.
(Also see Download WhatsApp for PC)
The updated WhatsApp for Windows Phone is now available to download. You can download the latest version of the application at the link below:
Download WhatsApp for Window Phones
The WhatsApp voice calling interface nothing too different from the previous one, except for the Call icon. The Whatsapp phone Call list and call history, and click on the image of people that you can call via WhatsApp.