Play Skip A Beat game on iPhone to check your heart rate

Skip A Beat is a game for iOS platform. This is a pure entertaining game which can help users to track their health every day, through the reference of your heart rate while playing game. Sounds quite hard to believe, try the Skip Beat video game to know immediately!Skip A Beat download In this game, you will enter as a frog named Skip frogs and control your heart rate to rescue the princess Euphoria. The requirement to play quite simple, you let a finger into the back of the iPhone camera flash is activated to measure heart rate-based lighting can penetrate fingers.

The graphics and gameplay of this game will make you think of a Flappy Bird game. However, in rare cases of a little more difficult because you have to keep stable your body’s heart rate, if not to alter the size of the character Frog (corresponding increase or decrease the difficulty of the game) in the protagonist must overcome many obstacles can reach rescue the princess.

The Skip A Beat Game is being sold for $ 1.99 on the App Store, See a video introduction below to learn game immediately.

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