Oppo India, on Wednesday has been launched the successor of Oppo F1 mobile in India, the Oppo F1s with 16MP front-facing camera is the new high-end device in the F1 series that has been launched at an event in Mumbai, India. The Oppo F1s price in India is set to Rs. 17,990 – approximately $268 USD and it will go on sale exclusively via Amazon India starting from August 11th. The handset is available in Gold, Rose Gold, and Grey color options.
While talking about the new Oppo F1s specs, of course it is selfie-focused smartphone as its predecessor. It features a 16-megapixels front selfie shooter with f/2.0 aperture, 1/3.1-inch sensor and Scree Flash to capture bright self-portraits. To enhanced your selfie, the device also comes equipped with a Beautify 4.0 app for selfie editing, and Selfie Panorama to patch up to three selfies together.
The F1s flaunts a 13-megapixel primary autofocus camera with f/2.2 aperture, PDAF and dual-LED flash. It also comes equipped with a fingerprint sensor embedded in to Home button to unlock the device in just 0.22 seconds and helps to lock apps as well as quick operations.
Other highlights of the Oppo F1s, it features a 5.5.0-inch IPS LCD display with HD (720 x 1280 pixels) resolution, 2.5D curved glass design and it is also protected by Corning Gorilla Glass 4. It is powered by a 64-bit MediaTek MT6750 octa-core processor which supported by Mali-T860 MP2 GPU. However, the F1s include 3GB of RAM and 32GB of native storage which can be further expanded up to 32GB via microSD card.
(Also see Oppo F1 Price & Specs)
The handset runs on Android 5.1 Lollipop based on Color OS 3.0 UI on top and packs in 3075mAh battery out of the box. It supports dual SIM slot with dual standby, For connectivity includes 4G LTE, 3G, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, GPS, A-GPS, Bluetooth 4. 0, microUSB 2.0 and 3.5 mm audio jack options. It measures 154.5x76x7.38 mm and weighs only 160 grams.