Facebook Introduced new App “Say Thanks” to you friends with video

Say Thanks, a new Application on Facebook will help you to create a short video to say thank you to your friends or others and you can also easily share it on social networks.

Today, Facebook introduced a new interesting application for their users called “Say Thanks”, developed from instruments Look Back was born in 2013.

As the name suggests, this app will help you show affection, to say thank you to someone in your Facebook Friends list, not only with words, but with a short video using Facebook Photos of person, or any photos of your choice.

This application can be used both on a computer or smart phones. On the computer, you type this address which is “www.facebook.com/thanks“, also on Facebook Mobile, type in the Facebook Mobile Apps search bar “Say Thanks”.

On the computer, after accessing the above address, features Say Thanks will appear quite simple interface and very easy to use. You just select the person wanted to say thank you, choose a theme such as topic old friends or friends. Now you can view all facebook photos, select a photo, make a video playback and sharing on the Timeline.


Choose who want to “Say Thanks”. A video and automatically appear on the right side.


Select a theme. Old Friends will allow us to select 15 images and create a one-minute long video. Meanwhile Friends theme will create a 45-second video with up to 7 photos.


Select the desired Facebook Photos or download more if necessary. Once you have selected all of the photos, you can see the video and then share your Timeline.

Get immediate access to the site Say Thanks to say thank you to your friends.

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