Best Video Baby Monitor: Which One Should I Buy

A baby monitor allows you to monitor your baby even at a distance, let’s see the best video baby monitor which ones are the best.

Best Video Baby Monitor

Welcoming a baby is certainly the greatest joy of life, it could not be otherwise. However, it is also true that happiness is accompanied by a considerable dose of apprehension that ends up saturating the life of all new parents struggling with the first wails.

In this case, the technology is also available like a baby monitor with you can enjoy moments of life, while keeping our own baby under control even at a distance.

Best Video Baby Monitor: Which One Should I Buy?

Types of Baby Monitors and Features

Before talking about money, it is useful to summarize which are the main types of baby monitors currently available on the market and the key features that could guide the choice.

On the other hand, if you prefer the Ferber method to deal with the nocturnal awakenings of your child, a simple intercom could be a real lifesaver. For the more technologically, however, associating an audio device with a micro-camera could make the difference. So, what baby monitor to choose?

Baby Monitor With Camera or Audio

There are two large groups of devices that differ in relation to the “service” they propose to the user:

Audio surveillance: These devices provide an exclusively audio surveillance, allowing the parent to hear everything that happens inside the room of the offspring. Within this group of devices, some offer the possibility to interact directly with the child (to calm him or to scold him) through a walkie-talkie style communication system (with performance variations related to coverage, audio quality, and interference management, employees from the price ranges).

Audio and video surveillance: These devices are clearly more sophisticated, give parents the opportunity to control their children in every moment of their “independent” life. All this is possible with the baby monitor with a camera (variable in size and performance depending on the price range) placed the baby monitor in the child’s bedroom, capable of streaming to the device (tablet or smartphone) in the hands of the parent.

Main Functions of the Baby Monitor

It is important to state that with all technological devices, the price ranges mark the degree of complexity of a baby monitor. Based on this, we can safely assert that baby monitor is only slightly cheaper than audio-video units, which obviously depends on their lower technological complexity.

  • Remote communication: The parent will be able to use the baby monitor as an intercom. Very useful to avoid indulging or reassure the child at a distance.
  • Detection sensors and LEDs: The latest generation devices integrate sensors and LEDs capable of detecting suspicious noises inside the room, respiratory movements, noise intensity and child’s movement status.
  • Infrared vision: This function is only available on video baby monitors, useful for visual control of the child even in the dark.
  • Lights and lullabies: The most recent baby monitors (mid-high range) integrate interesting extra features. These include the presence of multi-color nightlight to soothe your baby to sleep. In the same way, it is possible to find a wide selection of lullabies in some models useful for the contented sleep of the child.
  • Emergency calls: Quite surprisingly, some devices have an internal storage dedicated to creating the personal phone book. Very useful if you need to make emergency calls.
  • Temperature detection: Some of the high-end baby monitors offer the possibility to manage the temperature and humidity levels of the child’s room.
  • Taking pictures and recording videos: Another interesting feature that could satisfy parents who do not want to lose even a second of their children’s first moments of life.

Technical aspects

As you can guess, choosing the most suitable baby monitor may not be that simple. In addition to the functionalities, it will be necessary to take into account the technical specifications of the device.

  • Signal range: Fundamental to evaluate in order to receive in a clear way the signal coming from the unit in the child’s room. For this purpose, it will be necessary to consider the presence of physical obstacles to the transmission, the distance (coverage, other fundamental parameters) and location of the device in the room that could affect the signal range.
  • Coverage: In the section dedicated to technical specifications, in meters (between 50 and 150 meters), is also influenced by walls and obstacles interposed between the two devices.
  • Channels: Like modern radios, the most sophisticated baby monitors have different audio channels to tune in to minimize physiological interference. All this in order to make the reception more clear.
  • Connectivity: New generation baby video monitors provide images on smartphones and tablets. With this, they take advantage of Wi-Fi connectivity to the home network.

Where to buy Baby Monitors?

There are currently many companies producing baby monitors, if you do not have a high budget, then you can rely on one of the popular Amazon, taking advantage of offers or discounts; here is the list of the top ten best-selling baby monitors on Amazon:

[amazon bestseller=”baby monitor” items=”10″]

Not only that, there are several other brands that have been on the baby monitor market for a relatively short time but who have nevertheless proposed extremely technological devices.

Philips Baby Monitor

Among these Philips that with its Avent uGrow has packaged a real technological concentrate.

[amazon box=”B0193RWK4E” /]

While the Philips Avent DECT baby monitor is a very competitive audio-only version, the price much lower than the Avent uGrow but still more than enough performance.

[amazon box=”B00KU1127Y” /]

Motorola Baby Monitor

Even Motorola has produced a number of interesting baby monitors, including MBP33S (audio-video monitor) and MBP11 (audio only). B004UJO98Q

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