Wolfenstein: Youngblood has been announced by Bethesda at E3 2018 and will arrive on July 26 on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch

Youngblood will be a first-person shooter based on cooperative dynamics, set in 1980, a full 19 years after the iconic BJ Blazkowicz started the second American Revolution. Wolfenstein: Youngblood drops you into 80s Nazi-busy Paris, and for the first time in the series, you’ll be able to explore the world of Wolfenstein and wreck Nazis with a partner. BJ Blazkowicz has gone missing in Paris, and his up to his twin daughters, Jess and Soph, to him down track.
Wolfenstein: Youngblood, in addition to the new cooperative mode, will also introduce some RPG elements: you will have to level up, unlock skills, gadgets, cosmetic items and much more. Confirmed the presence of updated and improved versions of the New Colossus weapons and the implementation of the tools of destruction, including the iconic Maschinenpistole or the devastating Elektrokraftwerk.
Wolfenstein: Youngblood will be available both in the standard version and in the Deluxe Edition which will contain some bonuses and the Buddy Pass, useful for playing with a friend, even if he doesn’t have a copy of the game. By pre-booking any edition of the game you will also receive a set of cosmetic items for use in the game. Recall that, as announced yesterday, the new title of the Wolfenstein series on PC will also be available on Steam.
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