The Withings Activite Pop Hands on: Luxrious Wrist Watch with Health Monitoring Features

The Withings Activite Pop is a unique smart clock with only two functions such as normal watch and Activity Tracking to track progress of your workout, in addition, it is also quite beautiful and fashionable watch with long lasting battery life up to 8 months. The Activite Pop is not necessarily a SmartWatch, it has no screen to receive notifications from your phone and not any advanced operating system at all.The-Withings-Activite-Pop-Hands-on--Luxrious-Wrist-Watch-with-Health-Monitoring-Features Withings-Activite-Pop

Today, a smart meter product as Activite Pop that lacks the elements mentioned above, but that is not its drawback because Activite Pop is not produced to aimed as a complementary SmartWatch, this is only for to track daily activity with a traditional clock face. In return, Activite Pop design is simple and compact, when hands on feels very comfortable and better than most other SmartWatch.Activite-Pop-Hands-on Activite-Pop-SmartWatch-

In the Watch box, only guidebook and a big round metal piece. To use Activite Pop, you must connect it to your phone (Android or iOS), install the Withings app into the device, then press the Reset button placed at the bottom of the watch, it vibrate ones, wait a little bit to connect two devices. There is not any controls on Activite Pop, it will automatically connect to the iPhone or Android, if not, you just tune hours on the phone app, the watch will be automatically updated.Activite-Pop-Price Withings-Activite-Pop-Wrist-Watch

In watch face, it has a sub index from 0 to 100%. This is the only workout tempo, for example, you set the target on app to run 10,000 steps, if the end of the day you just run the 5,000 steps, it will stop at 50%, depending on the results of exercise but the watch will continuously update in real time. The Withings Activite Pop dial is made from metal body, not the virtual design because it has not an LCD screen as other SmartWatch, which is the main highlight of the Activite Pop.Withings-Activite-Pop-Hands-on Withings-Activite-Pop-Health-Monitoring-Watch

The Withings Activite Pop have the following functions such as tracking steps, distance, running, calories burned, swimming time, status of sleep, sleep duration and alarm.

The Withings Activite Pop price is only $149, or you can also buy the metal Activite Pop, Swiss Made analog watch designed in Paris in $445.

Check out ACTIVITE Pop Best Buy below:

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