Playstation 4 1TB version: Ultimate Player Edition launch soon

Sony announced that it will upgrade the PS4 gaming console to 1TB hard drive, while the remaining configurations are unchanged.1 TB PS4 Release PlayStation 4 Hard Drive Upgrade PS4 E3 2015

The PlayStation 4 1TB version comes with a pretty cool name like Ultimate Player Edition, will be available from 15/7 in Europe and some PAL countries. Currently Sony has not announced the official price, the price of the old version of 500GB is $399.

Recently PS4 opponent the Xbox One also launched additional 1TB version with a price tag of $399, the possibility that the price of PS4 1TB Hard Drive also will be fall around this level. The upgrade to a 1TB hard drive is essential for those who play pretty big games around 20 to 30GB average, while some games more than 50GB such as GTA V, even when you play a game, the system must have copied every discs so on 500GB hard drive user can able to save about an average of 10 games, except to save files and other file.

Check out PlayStation 4 Price below:

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