Far Cry New Dawn: Ubisoft released New Launch Trailer

Ubisoft has released the launch trailer of Far Cry New Dawn, a title that will arrive today on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. In the new episode of Far Cry you will return to Hope Country, Montana, but nothing will be more like before: a global nuclear attack has devastated everything.

The new post-apocalyptic Far Cry will tell a story set 17 years after the events in Far Cry 5, a new threat will be faced: the Warriors of the Street, merciless nihilistic raiders want to squeeze the county up to the last drop.

In terms of gameplay, New Dawn will resume what was proposed in the previous episode, but with a greater focus on the RPG elements among which stands out the possibility of enlisting and have secondary characters and even animals fight alongside.

“Hope County is far from the only place that’s been ravaged by the nuclear apocalypse Expeditions are a chance to range far outside its borders, visiting dangerous new territories to take on targeted missions across the USA.”

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