If you are undecided about what is the best Tablet to buy, this is the right guide. Here are the features to keep in mind and the best tablet 2018 of the moment.
For many users, tablets have replaced PCs and notebooks because they are much more manageable, easy to carry and ideal for multiple purposes. Choosing the best tablet is not an easy task, they are really comfortable allies for those who must work or enjoy mobile content, also with their large screens are often the ideal link between the home PC and smartphones. The market offers a large number of tablets really for all budgets, some with smaller screens (about 7-inches) and others with larger screens (even up to 12-inches), some with the ability to connect to the data connection as well as the Wi-Fi network.
Given the wide variety of existing tablets, we decided to create this guide to help you choose the tablet that best suits your needs. There are many Android tablets but also Windows 10 tablets that are mostly dedicated to the work and business world. We can not forget the Apple iPads, true technological jewels, but they are also very expensive.
Below are the main topics of our best tablet 2018 guide: we divided it both in terms of size and price ranges.
Tablet Operating Systems
There are several categories of tablets, and they are based on three different systems (Windows, Android, and iOS). Devices based on Windows and Android systems are on average cheaper than those based on iOS. To say which system is best is not simple and would be a futile exercise, rather we try to figure out which one would be best for you:
Windows: it is very good to work on the move if you want a mini substitute of your PC the Microsoft system can be for you. It has the ability to run the full version of Office (including advanced tools) and several x86 software very useful in the professional field.
iOS: Apple is the most immediate and easy to use of the three platforms, offers on the store a good selection of apps optimized for the tablet experience, also with the release of iPad Pro this platform seeks to approach the professional environment.
Android: Google is the platform with more applications being able to take advantage of the endless catalog intended for smartphones without major problems. Android is perfect for casual use: browsing, reading a few pdf, replying to emails, using Google apps, playing games are things for which an android tablet is virtually perfect.
Display size
Examed very briefly the strengths of the individual platforms let’s talk about another important criterion that clearly divides the tablet the size of the display:
7-inches: it has long been a format much appreciated for its portability, recently it is a little neglected by the manufactures probably because of the approach of the Phablet that with their increasingly generous dimensions tend to cannibalize this category.
8-inches: it is the new smaller format on which recently the manufactures point is not difficult to find products with excellent characteristics at competitive prices, according to some is the perfect compromise between portability and comfort for viewing content.
10-inches: it is the classic tablet format, it remains very comfortable for the large surface offered, useful for areas that require a more professional use of the tablet. The larger screen helps a lot when you need to consult documents especially Pdf or write long texts.
12-inches: it is a new format, cleared by iPad Pro and that starts to attract the attention of customers less sensitive to portability and more attracted by the possibilities that two inches more than the classic format can offer.
Best Tablets Under $100
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Best-selling Tablets on Amazon
Here is the ever-up-to-date ranking of the 10 best-selling tablets on Amazon at the moment:
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