Best Days To Play Bingo

It used to be that if you wanted to play bingo, you would have to go to your local bingo venue if you were lucky enough to have one nearby. Obviously, you would have to fit your bingo gameplay with the opening times of the bingo hall.

Best Days To Play Bingo

All this changed in 1996 when the first online casino appeared on the internet. Gone, were the restrictions of bingo hall opening hours. Travel to and from venues was no longer needed either, as bingo and other popular forms of gambling, such as slots and table games, all began to appear online on websites like Barbados Bingo.

In the early part of this gambling revolution, bingo was left lagging behind the front-runners that were slots and table games. However, when big gambling and bingo brands started to move large parts of their operations on line, bingo found a second wind and came cruising back to join the leaders.

The 24/7 Gambling Cultures

What this online move did was help introduce bingo to the masses. The accessibility and variety of bingo games that were available on digital platforms shadowed anything that a bingo hall could offer. From 2003 onwards, online bingo really began to flourish and now online bingo is as popular as it has ever been. Record numbers of young people and females are now playing the game on a regular basis at a time that suits them. Online bingo is also free of the shackles of opening time restriction and is available 24/7.

More Players More Competition

Bingo is a game of chance and the more popular it gets, the more players it attracts and all are hoping to win a prize. The more people involved, the harder it becomes to win one. So is there a best day or time to play bingo?

Avoiding The Crowds

Obviously avoiding peak times is a good starting point, this, unfortunately, means doing something other than playing bingo with your weekends, as off peak bingo increases your chances of winning. Week day bingo playing is best and if you follow the working population then busy bingo times will be early in the morning between 7am and 9am and again from 5pm to 11pm Monday to Friday as people prepare to go to work and then unwind from their stressful days in the evening, when they get home. Playing bingo between these hours or between 12am and 7am are best.

Free Time

All bingo sites offer a free period of bingo at a set time everyday. Some sites allocate an hour where a certain number of games will be free, whilst other sites have fixed times everyday spanning many hours where you can get 6 or more free bingo tickets. If any of these free sessions are on weekdays at off peak hours, then take full advantage of this.

Final Thoughts

With more people playing bingo now than before, it is best to take advantage of off peak hours and free bingo tickets. If you avoid the crowds you might just bag yourself a full house.

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