Asus unveiled many accessories for Zenfone 2

After the Lolliflash and ZenFlash, Asus introduces more impressive accessory for new duo Zenfone 2 smartphone devices.


Not long ago, Asus has released a new duo accessories to enhance the photography capability. New accessory is a small Xenon flash light ZenFlash attached to a device connected via USB OTG. Asus also provides an additional removable flash called LolliFlash owns shaped like a lollipop and available in many different colors and lights to create unique images. LolliFlash with three color filters include red, yellow and green. Currently, Asus has not officially announced the price of these two accessories, but they will soon be on the market with new duo Asus Zenfone 2.


Asus also launched the new pair of headphones including ZenEar and ZenEar S for $ 11 and $ 48 respectively. For these new headsets Asus done partnership with the company named 1More, last year they also worked with Xiaomi for headphones and sold over 10 million units. Notably ZenEar S headphones are designed with a layer of metal and rubber to create comfort for the user.

All accessories will be sold on the market shortly after Zenfone 2 officially on sale. You can refer to the official price which it launched for ZenFlash, LolliFlash, ZenEar, ZenEar S and ZenPower.

  • ZenFlash Price: $ 15
  • LolliFlash Price: $ 8
  • ZenEar Price: $ 11
  • ZenEar S Price: $ 48
  • ZenPower Price: $ 25

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