Analog Keyboard for Android Wear from Microsoft

Microsoft debuting with virtual keyboard called Analog Keyboard for Android SmartWatch Wear to make them more powerful and stronger than OneNote app.

Microsoft was quick to put their feet on Google Android Wear platform by launching OneNote app for this platform, and the company is dedicated to continuing support for Android SmartWatch Wear by launching a New data entry tools.

Analog Keyboard from Microsoft

Microsoft Research released data entry system for Android Wear smartwatch called Analog Keyboard allows you to enter text by writing on the device screen. Keyboard support square screen with a resolution of 320×320 pixels, so Moto 360 and LG G watch are incompatible for low resolution. Analog Keyboard allowing you to type the special characters and numbers.

The idea of ​​a Analog Keyboard on a watch is still something quite strange and not appeal to everyone. Minimum support of Android Wear and the development of group driven by a separate entry, but it’s a Microsoft tool is still a great distance when compared to the input features of Google Voice.

Google has not developed a separate keyboard for their Android Wear. However, to imagine situations where you can not voice input. You can download virtual keyboard from Microsoft App Store, the installation is complicated and if you own the Moto 360, the installation process is a bit more complicated.

The Analog Keyboard, a prototype application that allows you to input characters or drawing on wrist devices. This is not necessarily a solution fast text input, but typing style is simple, you get to draw an area of each character is relatively large and includes a complete automation system from which you can smart off by pausing for a certain period of time between the letters.

Before downloading this virtual keyboard on your smartwatch, remember that this is little confusing. The application form will need to install Android SDK and Android debug bridge connectivity. Analog Keyboard will save your device battery life by supporting automatic letters. Also, it does not support the low resolution SmartWatch like round face devices, however, applications are still supported Moto Gear Live 360, but unfortunately the Analog Keyboard does not support LG Watch G and R.

It seems that Microsoft’s virtual keyboard is still not really perfect, but input method is really worth it if you do not like voice input. You can download Microsoft Analog Keyboad applications here.

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