Nokia 6 went on sale in India in June, and Nokia 8 was debuted in August. Now, Amazon India has unveiled cashback offers, which are valid from Monday, November to Friday, November 17. Users will be able to avail up to Rs. 3,500 in cashback on the Amazon Pay, making it quite a lucrative deal.
The Nokia 6 and Nokia 8 cashback offer is valid only on the Amazon India website or app. The Prime members buying the new Nokia 6 using Amazon Pay are entitled to receive a cashback of Rs. 2,500, while regular Amazon customers using Amazon Pay service will get a cashback of Rs. 1,500.
The Prime members purchasing the Nokia 6 through payment methods other than Amazon Pay will get cashback of Rs. 500. The Prime members shopping for the Nokia 8 using Amazon Pay will receive a cashback of Rs. 1,500.
Nokia 6 price in India is Rs. 14,999 and available in Silver and Matte Black color options. On the other hand, the Nokia 8 price in India is Rs. 36,999 and is available in Polished Blue, Steel, and Tempered Blue colors.
The Nokia 3, Nokia 5 and Nokia 6 will be updated to the latest version of the Android Oreo operating system before the end of 2017. HMD Global seems to want to keep the word out and exploit the stock software used on Nokia devices to continue to guarantee the latest OS version in possible minimum time, enhancing confidence in the historic brand.
Last month, HMD Global had announced the Nokia 8 Android 8.0 Oreo beta test program, which will allow you to try the latest Android operating system on the current top Nokia smartphone.
Juho Sarvikas, CEO of HMD, however, makes it clear immediately that Nokia 8 is the first model included in the program, but also Nokia 3, Nokia 5 and Nokia 6 will have access following the test release, although the exact release date is still unknown.